[Tex/LaTex] Insert pages from a PDF file to fit at the entire page using \includepdf


I want to insert every page of a PDF file so I used:


This works fine when using any standard classes like report. Now I have to use a customized class for the document. This causes that the pages do not cover a whole page but are slightly over the edges so that I have margins to the left and to the bottom of every page. So that the option fitpaper doesn't seem to work correctly.

Link to download the class file "mpreport.cls" – You can open it with WinRAR.

There are other files as well to create that document which are less important for this question.

Is there a way to change the class just for all the pages I will include or maybe just the pre-settings of the borders or margins created by the class file?

Maybe I could also use \includegraphics? I tried it but couldn't figure out how one option will include every page of the PDF file on a new page in the document and covering the whole page as well so that the page number will be left out.

This is how it looks like after I included the "pdfpages" documentation.

First page of the "pdfpages" documentation

Best Answer

Found a option which helps (offset-option):

\includepdf[page={-},offset=<offset in x>mm <offset in y>mm]{file_name}