Table of Contents Keywords – How to Insert Keywords & Key Phrases into TOC

table of contents

To make the structure of documents (here: my PhD-thesis) comprehensible straight from the ToC, I would like to insert some key words or key phrases in each element of the ToC. I saw this device in a teaching book and I thought it would be a helpful little improvement for longer documents.

My first description of the desired layout lacked of precision, I hope this one is more clear.

Requirements for user-friendlybility:
I am looking for a solution that handles key words or key phrases which belong to one part, section etc. in the following way:

a) puts key words/phrases in rows

b) divides them through hyphens

c) one line under the actual part, section etc.

d) key words/phrases without page number

e) depending on the number of key words/phrases it can exceed one line

It should look like this:


1 section ………………………..1

key word 1 – key phrase 2 – key word 3

1.1 subsection ………………………….5

key word 1 – key phrase 2 – key word 3 –

key word 4 – key phrase 5 – key word 6

Requirement for writer-friendlybility: To make it easier for the writer of the document one command is hoped-for that adapts to a given section, part etc. without any specification within the command in order to prevent him from adjusting the command every time when he is copying it from one sections to a part, subsection, etc.

In the .tex-file it should look like this:

bla bla \command{keyword1} few lines or pages of bla bla \command{keyword2} ....

bla bla \command{keyword1} few lines or pages of bla bla \command{key phrase2} ....

Does anyone have an idea how to do it?

PS: To convert the keywords in the toc into hyperref-keywords take a look here: Hyperref-ize the keywords in toc. It works with egregs solution.

Best Answer




\newrobustcmd{\kwsep}{~-- }




Abc \keyword{key1} def \keyword{key2}


Ciao \keyword{key3} ciao \keyword{key4}




I'll leave to the OP the task of redefining \formatkwsection and \formatkwsubsection to suit his needs.

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