[Tex/LaTex] Inner Spacing within Footer (fancyhdr)


How can I create exactly the following spaces/distances?
enter image description here

Margin from bottom to footerrule: 22mm
Distance from footerule to text: 5mm
Distance from Footerrule to top of footertext: 7mm

Current state:
enter image description here


  left = 16mm,
  right = 16mm,
  textwidth = 178mm,
  top = 20mm,
  bottom= 22mm, % 22m lower bound + 5mm footer to text
  % headheight=17pt, % as per the warning by fancyhdr
  % includehead,
  % includefoot,
  heightrounded, % to avoid spurious underfull messages

% Necessary packages
% \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.0}

% Header and Footer Format
% \let\footruleskip\undefined %undefine footruleskip
\renewcommand{\footrule}{\hbox to\headwidth{\color{black}\leaders\hrule height \footrulewidth\hfill}}
\renewcommand{\footruleskip}{5mm} % 7
\setlength{\footskip}{5mm + 0.25mm + 7mm + 2.5mm}

%  Custom Footer
  % \vfill
      {\fontsize{9}{14}\selectfont SOME TITLE}
  % \vfill
       {\fontsize{9}{14}\selectfont Contact: info@website.com}
       {\fontsize{9}{14}\selectfont www.example.com}


Best Answer

I achieved my requirements with the following code.

Define the footskip in geometry: 7mm + 1em since I need the 7mm space and one line of text.

  left = 16mm,%
  right = 16mm,%
  textwidth = 178mm,%
  top = 20mm,%
  bottom= 22mm,%
  heightrounded,% to avoid spurious underfull messages
  % showframe

Afterward, I corrected my fancyhdr settings like the following:


I achieve the additional 5mm between the footrule and the body with an extra \vspace{5mm} at the last element of each page (which is in my case always the same element).

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