[Tex/LaTex] inline tcolorbox with rotated title


I'm desperately searching for a way to recreate those really nice inline-tcboxes they used in tcolorbox manual for, as an example, emphasizing libraries' names.

enter image description here

I found some topics about left-sided + rotated titles but I can't find a way to adapt the aswers to this specific goal.

Does anyone have a clue ?

Best Answer

Copied from tcolorbox's documentation:



\newtcbox{\mylib}{enhanced,nobeforeafter,tcbox raise base,boxrule=0.4pt,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,
  right=0mm,left=4mm,arc=1pt,boxsep=2pt,before upper={\vphantom{dlg}},
  overlay={\begin{tcbclipinterior}\fill[green!75!blue!50!white] (frame.south west)
    rectangle node[text=white,font=\sffamily\bfseries\tiny,rotate=90] {LIB} ([xshift=4mm]frame.north west);\end{tcbclipinterior}}}




Library \mylib{lipsum}:



enter image description here

The line \MakeRobust\mylib makes \mylib robust, so that you can use it in the argument of commands like \section or \caption. The line \pdfstringdefDisableCommands (used only if hyperref is loaded) makes \mylib produce a sensible PDF outline entry when used in \section. If you then do \section{Library \mylib{lipsum}} it won't break (because of \MakeRobust), and the PDF outline will say Library 'lipsum'.

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