[Tex/LaTex] Inline row vectors with smallmatrix


I typeset inline column vectors with the smallmatrix environment from the amsmath package:


Unfortunately, when I do the same with row vectors I am not satisfied with the result since the height of the surrounding braces is the same as that of a column vector with two elements. Any recommendations of how to properly typeset the brackets?

Best Answer

I'm not sure you really want it, but here it is:


\newcommand{\icol}[1]{% inline column vector

\newcommand{\irow}[1]{% inline row vector


Text $\icol{a\\b}$ text $\irow{a&b}$ text

enter image description here

If you change the definition of \irow into

\newcommand{\irow}[1]{% inline row vector

then the result is

enter image description here

Refinements of the spacing are possible, but personally I'd go with no space.