[Tex/LaTex] Inline links in code listings


I would like to include links inside source code listings by providing URLs within the listing source text.

That is, I would like to be able to generate something that looks like the following:

enter image description here

with source code something like the following:

int main(){
int x;

The pink text is a hyperlink to an arbitrary URL. This would ideally be compatible with the listings package, but any well-supported verbatim-style environment would be acceptable. How can I accomplish this?

Best Answer

The simplest method I can think of is to just use listings's escapechar key. This requires choosing a character that doesn't appear in the code. For example, I've used the pipe character | below, but this would need to be changed to something else if the code fragment contained, say, a logical or bitwise or operation.




int main(){
int x;


This produces:

image of result

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