[Tex/LaTex] Individual value labels in Kiviat Diagram


I'm using the tkz-kiviat package to draw spider graphs and am quite happy with it. I can see how to add a axis label but how can I label the individual values of each node? There doesn't seem to be a solution to this in the documentation…

I'm trying to add the specific values to the balls.



\begin{tikzpicture}[label distance=.15cm]

 \tkzKiviatDiagram[radial=5, radial  style/.style ={-}, lattice style/.style ={blue!30}]%

 \tkzKiviatLine[thick,color=red,mark=ball,  ball color=red,mark size=4pt,fill=red!20](5,9,6,8,4)

 \tkzKiviatLine[thick,color=blue,mark=ball,mark size=4pt,fill=blue!20,opacity=.5](9,6,8,4,5)



Best Answer

This answer is not using the tkz-kiviat but still it does what it is supposed to do (without requiring additional packages). You have to manually indicate the number of axes as well as the positions of the nodes, and of course your label.



\begin{tikzpicture}[label distance=.15cm]

 \tkzKiviatDiagram[radial=5, radial  style/.style ={-}, lattice style/.style ={blue!30}]%

 \tkzKiviatLine[thick,color=red,mark=ball,  ball color=red,mark size=4pt,fill=red!20](5,9,6,8,4)

 \tkzKiviatLine[thick,color=blue,mark=ball,mark size=4pt,fill=blue!20,opacity=.5](9,6,8,4,5)

 % the distance between two grid lines is 0.5
 %we have 5 axis so the angle between two axis is 360/5 = 72

 \draw ((2.5,0)node[anchor=south] {a1};
 \draw ((4.5,0)node[anchor=south] {a2};

 % e.g. 9 is the position of the node
 \draw ((9*cos{\ang}/2,9*sin{\ang}/2)node[anchor=south] {b1};
 \draw ((6*cos{\ang}/2,6*sin{\ang}/2)node[anchor=south] {b2};

 \draw ((6*cos{(2*\ang)}/2,6*sin{(2*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {c1};
 \draw ((8*cos{(2*\ang)}/2,8*sin{(2*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {c2};

  \draw ((8*cos{(3*\ang)}/2,8*sin{(3*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {d1};
 \draw ((4*cos{(3*\ang)}/2,4*sin{(3*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {d2};

 \draw ((4*cos{(4*\ang)}/2,4*sin{(4*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {e1};
 \draw ((5*cos{(4*\ang)}/2,5*sin{(4*\ang)}/2)node[anchor=south] {e2};


enter image description here

Alternatively you can also include the following \newcommand

 %can be called with \annotMark{<noaxis>}{<angle>}{<"ccordinate">}{<gap>}{<lable>}; stadart value for gap (i.e. gap is not specified =0.5}
 \draw (\xcor,\ycor)node[anchor=south]{#5};

and make the annotations by calling this command (this example is for the b1 annotation)


This command is also capable of handling different grid-sizes (gap)

To make it clear, the number of radials determines the size of the angle \ang (e.g. if you have two radials \ang = 180 deg )

As you can see in the MWE I used the following code for this

 \def\noaxes{<number of radials>}

Thus this code works for any number of radials. You only have to use the \annotMark{1}{\ang}{<position>}{<gap>}{<label>} for each marker you have.