[Tex/LaTex] index show like a section (including section number)


I like to show the index in the table of contents. The index shall be shown like a section, it is including the section number and then the section name. Also the same when the index is printed at the end of the document. The index shall be printed like a section with section number and a horizontal line under it from left to right.

Here I call the index = "Sache" to have a differentiation to the standard.

What is the best way to do that ?

Thank you and with best regards,


% Packages required by doxygen

% Font selection
\usepackage{mathptmx}            % similar to Times New Roman
\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}  % 
\usepackage{courier}             % 
% generate the index \renewcommand{\indexname}{Sache}
% start every section (in "article" / chapter in "report") with/at a new page
% define how deep the numbering of the table-of-contents can be 
%================================ C O N T E N T S 
%--- End generated contents by doxygen ---
% print out the index at the end of the document
\label{lastpage} % get a label for the last page to be printed in the footer 
% print for test purpose the total number of page(s)
{last page : } \pageref{lastpage}


Best Answer

Since imakeidx package is used, the intoc option to the \makeindex command should work!

For the appearance as section instead of of unnumbered \section* use the level=\section option of \indexsetup, for the horizontal rule use \indexprologue for example.

Some notes:

  • \renewcommand{\section}{...} looks weird in this context.
  • I had to comment out doxygen and \fancypagestyle{plain}


% Packages required by doxygen
%\usepackage{makeidx}  useless in conjunction with imakeidx


% Font selection
\usepackage{mathptmx}            % similar to Times New Roman
\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}  % 
\usepackage{courier}             % 
% generate the index \renewcommand{\indexname}{Sache}



% start every section (in "article" / chapter in "report") with/at a new page


% define how deep the numbering of the table-of-contents can be 
%================================ C O N T E N T S 

%--- End generated contents by doxygen ---
% print out the index at the end of the document
\label{lastpage} % get a label for the last page to be printed in the footer 
% print for test purpose the total number of page(s)
{last page : } \pageref{lastpage}


enter image description here