[Tex/LaTex] Index and fancyhydr


I need to have different (imposed) pagestyles and thus am using fancyhydr. But I do not succeed to do the index correctly : it should begin on a certain pagestyle (say indextitle) and then have another style (say indexstyle). I do not know how to settle that : if I put the style before the command \printindex, it affects the last page before the index, which I do not want. I have tried to use the afterpage package which works fine for the inextitle page but does not solve the problem for the following pages. I have not found a way to settle the style in imakeidx directly.

Here is a MWE

 \usepackage[body={110mm, 185mm}, headheight=55pt]{geometry}  
\indexsetup{level=\chapter} %
 \usepackage[rule=0.6pt, columnsep=20pt, justific=raggedright,     font=small]{idxlayout}


\fancyhead[CO]{Title of the paper}

A text with no sense\index{sense}

Just to make an index\index{index}




One sees that the main page has the wrong header.

Page of text with the wrong header
I have tried several other things (clearpage first, but then the index begins two pages later). I would like also to change the way the title is done but it may be a different question. Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

The culprit is idxlayout that does strange things with the page style for the first page in an index.

You can remedy to the problem by issuing \thispagestyle{indextitle} before starting to typeset the index.

\usepackage[body={110mm, 185mm}, headheight=55pt]{geometry}  


  %level=\chapter,% <-- already default


  \fancyhead[CO]{Title of the paper}%



A text with no sense\index{sense}

Just to make an index\index{index}

\loop\ifnum\count255<200 \advance\count255 1
\expandafter\index\expandafter{\romannumeral\count255 }



enter image description here

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