[Tex/LaTex] Indentation in TOC and Lists of Figures/Tables

indentationtable of contents

I am just starting to use Latex to write a university report. It does feel like a steep learning curve, and is at times frustrating, but I guess it is because I'm very new to it.

I got a question regarding TOC/figures/tables.

Basically, my document structure currently gets displayed in TOC as follows:

  Contributions *section*
  Summary *section*
  List of Figures *section*
  List of Tables *section*
1 Introduction *chapter*
  1.1 Background *section*
  1.2 Other Section *section*
2 Other Chapter *chapter*

However, I'd like it to be displayed like this:

List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
  1.1 Background
  1.2 Other Section
2 Other Chapter

Notice, that the first four unnumbered sections are not indented, but keep the indentation of numbered sections. Also, related to this question. I'd like my Lists of Tables/Figures to be NOT indented.

For example, instead of this:

List of Figures
   1. Caption ------------------------------------------ 4

Have this:

List of Figures
1. Caption --------------------------------------------- 4

Thanks for you help!

** EDIT (added more info)

Here is the minimal working example:



% Remove "Chapter" from title. No break between # and name.
{\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \raggedright \normalfont
\bfseries\Large\thechapter.\quad\ #1




This is a contributions sections. 


This is a summary section.

\tableofcontents %TOC

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures} %List of Figures


Welcome to introduction chapter.


This is a background section.\ref{capt}
\caption{Sample Figure.}
\label{capt}  %must be after caption


Best Answer

Ok, here is what I did.

As it was suggested by @Raphink, I used tocloft package. All of the sections that I wanted to be at the top level of my TOC (such as contributions, summary, references, etc) I included in TOC as parts. This is because I haven't found a way to adjust only certain sections without changing all sections in TOC. I also don't have any parts in my report, so it doesn't conflict with any existing items.

Then, in order to format them correctly (as regular sections, but with no indentation) I used the following:

\renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\normalfont} % make parts look like sections in TOC
\setlength{\cftbeforepartskip}{0pt} % remove spaces before and after chapters

It looks a little clumsy, so if someone knows a better solution, please post your reply.

As for LoF and LoT, I used the following:

\setlength{\cftfigindent}{0pt}  % remove indentation from figures in lof
\setlength{\cfttabindent}{0pt}  % remove indentation from tables in lot

Hope someone else finds it helpful!