[Tex/LaTex] Indentation for proofs


I'm using amsbook document class and amsthm package. I want the proofs to stand out from the rest of the text by slightly indenting them, i.e. leaving some margins from left and right. How do I do that?

It seems that Margins for proof environment is the same question. But the code doesn't work for me, probably because I'm using amsthm package already.

Best Answer

You can experiment with this modification of the proof environment:

  \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
          % the following line is not needed with amsart, but might be with other classes
          \parsep=0pt \listparindent=\parindent 




However it doesn't seem a good idea to me: if the proof is short it's easily recognizable anyway; if it's long, the narrow margin will spoil the page balance.

enter image description here

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