[Tex/LaTex] Increasing spacing between section number and title in the table of contents

memoirspacingtable of contents

I'm using the simple ordinary \tableofcontents command to produce a table of contents, and I find that the resulting spacing between the section number and the section title is too small:

enter image description here

Can someone tell me how to fix this, please. My documentclass is memoir, if that matters.

Best Answer

The width for the section numbers in the ToC is defined by the length called \cftKnumwidth, where K should be replaced by the sectioning level, i.e. chapter, section, etc. You can change it with \setlength, e.g.


See section 9.2.2 Typesetting the entries of the memoir manual for more on this.

A complete example:

% \setlength\cftsectionnumwidth{4em} % uncomment to see difference
\chapter{A chapter}
\setcounter{section}{999} % just for this example
\section{A section}