[Tex/LaTex] Increase space between node label and start of Gantt chart


I just want to increase the space between the node labels and the start of my gantt chart. It just needs to be enough so that the first one doesn't over lap with the milestone. Any ideas how to do it? I would still like the text to be right aligned.


Edit: Apologies, I should have included my code to produce this chart. Here it is:

time slot format= {isodate},
x unit = 0.8cm,
y unit title = 0.6cm,
y unit chart = 0.6cm,
compress calendar,
bar label node/.style={text width=6cm,align=right,font=\RaggedLeft, anchor=east},
milestone label node/.style={text width=6cm,align=right,font=\RaggedLeft, anchor=east},
group label node/.style={text width=6cm,align=right,font=\RaggedLeft, anchor=east},
%FlonLon suggstion tried here] 
\gantttitlecalendar{year, month=shortname} \\
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Proposal decision}{2018-11-30} \\ %0
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=red!90}]{Potential proposal amendments}{2018-12-10}{2018-12-21} \\ %1
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=red!90}]{Travel \& accommodation research}{2019-01-01}{2019-02-28} \\ %2
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Travel \& accommodation booking deadline}{2019-02-28} \\ %3
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=orange!90}]{Background theory reading}{2019-03-01}{2019-06-30} \\ %4
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=orange!90}]{Final admin (insurance, accounts etc.)}{2019-06-01}{2019-06-30} \\ %5     
\ganttgroup[group/.append style={fill=blue!90}]{\textbf{IPP, Prague}}{2019-07-01}{2019-09-30} \\ %6
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Sandpit event}{2019-09-01} \\ %7
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=OliveGreen}]{Writing project up}{2019-10-07}{2019-11-31} \\ %8

@FlonLon, I have tried your fix but it didn't work. I assume it is because I am also using Compress calendar or declaring other things about the nodes?

Best Answer

I would replace anchor=east in the label node styles with left=7pt (or some other distance, adjust as you see fit).

I could also suggest to define a style for all the common options in the different label node styles. I.e. add

  labelnodes/.style={text width=6cm,align=right,font=\RaggedLeft, left=7pt}

and then use

bar label node/.style={labelnodes},
milestone label node/.style={labelnodes},
group label node/.style={labelnodes},

If you have specific options for one of those three, just add it after labelnodes.

enter image description here

  labelnodes/.style={text width=6cm,align=right,font=\RaggedLeft, left=7pt}
time slot format= {isodate},
x unit = 0.8cm,
y unit title = 0.6cm,
y unit chart = 0.6cm,
compress calendar,
bar label node/.style={labelnodes},
milestone label node/.style={labelnodes},
group label node/.style={labelnodes},
\gantttitlecalendar{year, month=shortname} \\
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Proposal decision}{2018-11-30} \\ %0
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=red!90}]{Potential proposal amendments}{2018-12-10}{2018-12-21} \\ %1
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=red!90}]{Travel \& accommodation research}{2019-01-01}{2019-02-28} \\ %2
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Travel \& accommodation booking deadline}{2019-02-28} \\ %3
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=orange!90}]{Background theory reading}{2019-03-01}{2019-06-30} \\ %4
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=orange!90}]{Final admin (insurance, accounts etc.)}{2019-06-01}{2019-06-30} \\ %5     
\ganttgroup[group/.append style={fill=blue!90}]{\textbf{IPP, Prague}}{2019-07-01}{2019-09-30} \\ %6
\ganttmilestone[milestone/.append style={fill=gray!50}]{Sandpit event}{2019-09-01} \\ %7
\ganttbar[bar/.append style={fill=OliveGreen}]{Writing project up}{2019-10-07}{2019-11-31} \\ %8
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