[Tex/LaTex] Increase description width and number list width in glossary to match table of contents

glossariestable of contents

I want my glossary created via glossaries (bottom) to have the same width as my table of contents (top). I would like the numbers in the glossary to have a large space away from the dots and description text equal to that in the table of contents.


I feel that this is partly possible by modifying the description width via \glsdescwidth.

Here is a minimal working example:






\newglossaryentry{K}{name={kind of long name},description={King of long description}}

\newglossaryentry{S}{name={some long name},description={Super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super super long description}}


\chapter{Chap 1}




To compile the example, you must use makeglossaries in between calls to latex.

Best Answer

Maybe something along these lines is a start? This works at least as long as there aren't too many page numbers for an entry in the glossary:

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex



% tabular goodies:

% a bigger glossary description width:

% adapt `long' glossarystyle
  \glossarystyle{long}% base this style on the `long' style
  % no indent before the longtable:
  % the following relies on the `tocloft' package being loaded;
  % formatting of page numbers:
  % renew the table: both columns together now have \textwidth:
  % the entry is formatted with \cftchapfilnum instead of
  % \glspostdescription:
    \glsentryitem{##1}\glstarget{##1}{##2} &

% show page dimensions:



  name={kind of long name},
  description={King of long description}}

  name={some long name},
  description={Super super super super super super super super super super
    super super super super super super super long description}}

{\let\clearpage\relax% never do this! only for demonstration purposes!

\chapter{Chap 1}

\gls{K} \gls{S}


enter image description here

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