[Tex/LaTex] Incomplete \ifx


I am trying to define a function Lettrine from the lettrine one. I did it here successfully, but I need to add an optional argument to be able to use more lettrine features like ante:


\def\eqifcase #1#2#3{\eqifcaseA #1#2#1{#3}\end }

\def\eqifcaseA #1#2#3{\ifx #1#2\eqifcaseDo{#3}\fi \eqifcaseA #1}

\def\eqifcaseDo #1\fi #2\end{\fi #1}

\def\LettrineX #1#2{\vspace{-4ex}\lettrine[lines=1,findent=-0.1em

\section{section 1}
\Lettrine[ante=«]{P}owerfull macro ! »
\section{section 2}
\Lettrine{P}owerfull macro !


It does not compile, with the error:

$ pdflatex MWE_lettrine_command7.tex 
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 15 languages loaded.
Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
Loading lettrine.cfg
(/etc/texmf/tex/latex/lettrine.d/lettrine.cfg)) (./MWE_lettrine_command7.aux))
! Incomplete \ifx; all text was ignored after line 17.
<inserted text> 
<*> MWE_lettrine_command7.tex

If I add a \expandafter before lettrine, it changes nothing, but I am a newbbie for this kind of stuff. If I comment the \ifx line of code, it does compile and work.

The following \ifx MWE reproduces the same kind of architecture with the ifx expression inside an optional argument in a demonstration function. It compiles and works successfully:


\newcommand*{\Test}[2][xxx]{option=#1; argument=#2}

\def\testX #1#2{%


With one argument:  "\test{MAIN-ARG---ONLY-ONE}"\par
With two arguments: "\test[OPTION=2]{MAIN-ARG}"

enter image description here

I have quite no more hair at trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Any idea please?

Best Answer

The code contains this in inside a key value list:


The first element in the list is (assuming #2 does not contain ,):


The next is


The \ifx construct is divided at the comma by the key value parser.

The following implementation expands the options partially to get a valid key value option list:


\def\eqifcase #1#2#3{\eqifcaseA #1#2#1{#3}\end }

\def\eqifcaseA #1#2#3{\ifx #1#2\eqifcaseDo{#3}\fi \eqifcaseA #1}

\def\eqifcaseDo #1\fi #2\end{\fi #1}

        \eqifcase {#2}{{P}{-0.8em}{T}{-0.6em}}{-0.1em},%

\section{section 1}
\Lettrine[ante=«]{P}owerfull macro ! »
\section{section 2}
\Lettrine{P}owerfull macro !


New implementation to support additional features

  • The capital letter can be hidden inside a macro, e.g. \dropCap.

  • The letter can consist of more than one token, e.g. D'.

Macro \DeclareFindents configures the gap lengths:


The first argument is the default value. Then a key value lists follows; the key is the letter (also several tokens are possible) and the value the gap length for this letter.

Package kvsetkeys provides the frame work for a configurable key value parser that compares the list entries with the actual letter. Both the keys and the letters are run through \protected@edef to expand macros such as \dropCap.

Example file:



\DeclareFindents{0pt}{}% initializing

    \@gobbletwo % key and value arguments are not needed

\section{section 1}
\Lettrine[ante=«]{P}owerfull macro ! »
\section{section 2}
\Lettrine{P}owerfull macro !
\section{section 3}
\Lettrine{D'}Artagnan and his friends.
\section{section 4}
\Lettrine\dropCap Artangan does not drop his friends.


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