[Tex/LaTex] Including DOI field in bibliography while using multibib package


I am new to Latex and I used multibib package and .bib file. Every thing works great except there is no DOI at the end of entities. All my entities in the bib file have DOI filed and url and I use unsrt and ieeetr styles in my bibliography subsections. I check this post but including doi package in Latex with multibib results in error Option clash for package hyperref. \begin{document} which I don't understand why? I also came up with the idea of editing biblatex.cfg by adding doi=true line to that file it does not work either (I don't know if i did it in correct way). I use x64 edition of MiKTeX 2.9 with BibTex and TexStudio 2.6.6. I want something that results in adding DOI to the end of my bib entities in the PDF with hyperlink like \newcommand*{\doi}[1]{\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{doi: #1}} automatically for my doi fields in bib file for unsrt and ieeetr styles.

As mentioned in comments I provide a minimal sample of the paper at following:

File: Ref.bib

 author             = {Author1},
 title              = {Title1},
 journal            = {Journal1},
 issn               = {xxxx-yyyy},
 year               = {2013},
 volume             = {TR},
 number             = {3},
 pages              = {52-144},
 doi                = {10.10.1038/nphys1170},
 url                = {http://dx.doi.org/10.10.1038/nphys1170}

 author             = {Author2},
 title              = {Title2},
 journal            = {Journal2},
 issn               = {xxxx-yyyy},
 year               = {2012},
 volume             = {k-8},
 number             = {6},
 pages              = {12-17},
 doi                = {10.1002/0470841559.ch1},
 url                = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/0470841559.ch1}

 author             = {Author3},
 title              = {Title3},
 booktitle          = {proceedings1},
 year               = {2012},
 pages              = {578-584},
 numpages           = {3},
 doi                = {10.1594/PANGAEA.726855},
 url                = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.726855}

File: test.tex


\title{Title Here}
\author{Name Here}

\newcites{Articles,Proceedings}{{Journal Papers},{Conference Papers}}


This is the minimal abstract ever.

Introduction here.




I hope this could help.

Thanks and regards.

Best Answer

As @MarcoDaniel has already pointed out in a comment, the bibliography styles unsrt and ieeetr are both quite ancient. In fact, neither bib style has been updated materially since about 1986, i.e., long before anybody conceived of using digital object identifiers (dois) and URLs in bibliographic references. Unsurprisingly, then, these two styles aren't programmed to recognize fields named doi and url. If a BibTeX style doesn't know about some fields, the rule is that their contents are ignored.

I suggest you consider using the unsrtnat and IEEEtran bibliography styles. The former style recognizes both doi and url fields; the latter recognizes just the url field, but not the doi field. Depending on your formatting needs, you may want to rename the doi field name to note and encase the contents of the doi fields in \url{...} wrappers -- at least for those entries that will be processed with the IEEEtran bib style. For added robustness, I suggest you load the natbib package with the option numbers.

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