[Tex/LaTex] Including “Chapter” before each section number in the ToC? (Article Class)

sectioningtable of contents

Basically, here's my MWE, and I need to include "Chapter" before every section title in the ToC (without changing anything else).


\addto\captionsenglish{ \renewcommand*\contentsname{\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}}

%\renewcommand{\cftsecpresnum}{Chapter \thesection}
{\null\vskip1em\sffamily\bfseries\filcenter}{Chapter \thesection}{0em}{}[]

[1.5em] % ie, 1.5em (chapter) + 2.3em


\section{Section One}
\section{Section Two}

The commented out code is what I've already tried. The first one just changes the number to "CHAPTER" and doesn't move the text in the ToC (so it just overlays on top of the name of the section), and if I include "\thesection" after "CHAPTER" it creates an infinite loop definition error. The second one causes no differences, and the code still compiles.


Best Answer

Here is a solution. I didn't load tocloft, since I use titletoc. Also I added a formatting for thoe unnumbered sections which should appear in the table of contents:


\addto\captionsenglish{ \renewcommand*\contentsname{\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}}

{\null\vskip1em\sffamily\bfseries\filcenter}{Chapter \thesection}{0em}{}[]
\titleformat{name = \section, numberless}[block]%

[7em] % ie, width of contentslabel + 0.5em



\section*{An Unnumbered Section}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{An Unnumbered Section}
\section{Section One}
\subsection{A first subsection}
\section{Section Two}


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