[Tex/LaTex] \includegraphics in a0poster


%%%Load packages
\usepackage{multicol}           %3-column layout
\usepackage[left=3cm,right=3cm,bottom=0cm,top=0cm]{geometry}            %Reset margins
\usepackage{helvet}             %Load Helvetica font & CM math
\usepackage{color}              %Needed for colour boxes & coloured text
%%%Define colours and lengths
\definecolor{headingcol}{rgb}{1,1,1}            %Colour of main title
\definecolor{boxcol}{rgb}{0.7,0.2,0.2}      %Edge-colour of box and top banner
\fboxsep=1cm                            %Padding between box and text
\setlength{\columnsep}{3cm}             %Set spacing between columns
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}   %Set main text to sans-serif

%%%Format title
\makeatletter                           %Needed to include code in main file
\null                                   %Sets position marker
\color{headingcol}\sffamily\VERYHuge        %Set title font and colour
\@title \par}%
\vskip 0.6em%
\color{white}\sffamily\large                %Set author font and colour
\lineskip .5em%
\vskip 1cm

\title{hello world \LaTeX}

\author{Author A \& Author B\\
University College London}

\hspace{-3cm}                               %Align with edge of page, not margin
\colorbox{boxcol}{                          %Coloured banner across top
\begin{minipage}{1189mm}                    %Minipage for title contents

\begin{multicols}{3}                            %Use 3-column layout
\raggedcolumns                          %Don't stretch contents vertically





%%%Column 2

\section*{Lists and tables}


%%%Column 3




I want to scale the image I am including up. However, when I attempt to put anything in the [] field in \includegraphics[]{}, an error is thrown. However, it works with just \includegraphics{}. Can anyone provide a solution?

That is,


why is an error thrown here and not when it is just


Best Answer

The command to scale an image is \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{burnsideTri.png} (not 0.5cm). If you want to give a certain width, it would be width=0.5cm.

You should load graphicx instead of graphics as the prior is much more modern (and I never used the latter, so maybe the scaling will not work, I dunno).

Just in order to show you, what an MWE is.

That's how your question looks without all the noise:



And this is my answer:

% arara: pdflatex

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % the demo option must be taken away. I did not have you image

    \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{burnsideTri} % the file ending png can be ommited. 
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