[Tex/LaTex] includegraphics: How to check if PDF/PNG are transparent


I am trying to generate PDF/A-1 compliant documents, in which transparency is not allowed. I would like to check, if included PDF and PNG images have transparency.

Is there a TeX way to check this? Otherwise, what is the proper way to change the \includegraphics command to call external tools to check this?

Edit: External tools for checking transparency:

For PNGs, ImageMagik's identify does the job nicely. It displays [s]rgba when there is an alpha channel (otherwise it's rgb):

# identify -format '%[channels]' Transparent.png 

Even better:

# identify -format %A Transparent.png 

For PDFs, this is more complicated (see eg here): There are as graphical style attributes fill opacity (/ca) or stroke opacities (/CA) below a value of 1.0, or there is a soft mask (\SMask), or there is a transparency page group defined (/S /Transparency). grep expression:

grep -aE -e '/[Cc][Aa] +0?\.[0-9]' -e '/SMask' -e '/S /Transparency' *.pdf

I bet it is somehow possible to check with gs, but I did not find it so far.

Best Answer

I would use ghostscript to remove the transparency once the pdf is generated, using

gs -o converted.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dHaveTransparency=false input_file.pdf