[Tex/LaTex] Include note inside the text


I am trying to include note inside the text as shown in the attached imageenter image description here
I tried with the following command

\textbf{Note} Sometimes hypotheses term is used to refer to both algorithms and hypotheses.

It is working but I am unable to get as exact as shown in the image. How can I resolve the issue.

Best Answer

You may want to use the framed package. I modified this and got with something similar to what you want as below:

enter image description here

\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor} %frame color
\usepackage{framed} % for defining framed environment
    \def\FrameCommand{{\color{YellowOrange}\vrule width 2pt}\hspace{2pt}}
{\bf Note}

Sometimes hypotheses term is used to refer to both algorithms and 

I have no ideas if there's already a package producing the quotation style you want.