[Tex/LaTex] Include image with spaces in path directory to be processed with dvips


I have the following image that I wish to include in my document:

wget http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/figures/1471-2164-10-37-1-l.jpg -O exampleImg.jpg

I need to compile via dvi. I covert the jpg to eps format with GraphicsMagick:

gm convert exampleImg.jpg exampleImg.eps

I used the following latex code and it works compiling via dvi and ps.







When I use a directory with a space, test test, and it doesn't work anymore, even though I use \usepackage{grffile} :





\includegraphics[]{./test test/exampleImg}


It gives the following error:

! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in ./test test/exampleImg (
no BoundingBox).

Best Answer

With Will's code (added to the preamble after loading graphicx) and with this syntax to include the graphic: \includegraphics[width=5cm]{"Neuer Ordner/tiger"} I could process the document with latex + dvips on a miktex 2.9./win XP system . tiger.eps was used without problem. It didn't matter if I used grffile or not.

But I advise you strongly to avoid spaces in file names or folders: If you switch to another driver (pdflatex, xelatex, ...) or to another system (TexLive, Linux) it can break completly or work only after a syntax change. The time you spend to get arround the problems can be used for better things.

Btw: I also would like to remember that dvips won't include graphicx with absolute pathes or pathes that refer to parent directories (../).

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