[Tex/LaTex] Include another pdf in a box (and other details)


Some time ago I read a paper that was tightly based on another one. It was from the same authors so they included the previous papers as appendixes. I noticed (and liked) that these appendixes were enclosed in a box.

In my case, I am writing a technical report (report-a) that should include another report (report-b) in its appendix. Both of the are generated by LaTeX.

The result that I am looking for is that report-b appears in the final section of the report-a, inside a box. So far, I can include it with the pdfpages package. I have also managed to include it in a box with fancybox:



\section{Previous report}


I have the following problems with this:

  1. Page numbering is confusing: from the includepdf command, page numbering follows the numbering of report-b
  2. I would prefer if report-b was scaled down a little bit. I could not find how to do this with pdfpages
  3. The report-b is included in the page after the section title, which wastes a whole page. I would prefer if it would start right after the section title.

Any ideas of how to achieve this?

PS: I am not really sure how to tag this question.

Best Answer

use alternatively \includegraphics. Here an example, which includes the first 20 pages of an external document and each page scaled down to 0.75.



\section{Previous report}


\fbox is only for demonstrations ...

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