[Tex/LaTex] In-text references are not alphabetically ordered


I am using BibLaTex with APA style and Biber backend.

The example document of biblatex-apa states that multiple in-text references should be automatically ordered complying the APA 6 style independent from the order of input in the \cite command.

However, this is not working for me. The references in the document are ordered as put in in the cite command.

E.g. \textcite{AuthorC2001, AuthorA2001, AuthorB2001} will be printed in the PDF as

AuthorC (2001), AuthorA (2001), AuthorB (2001)

instead of

AuthorA (2001), AuthorB (2001), AuthorC (2001)

Best Answer

I took me hours to find the answer. However, I just stumbled across the following posting.

Just put the option


in the the preamble.


 \usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber, sortcites=true]{biblatex}

Now everything works as expected.

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