[Tex/LaTex] In biblatex have author name listed as `Doe, J.D.` in the references (i.e. no space between initials)


To have author names be listed as e.g. Doe, J.D. in the references (i.e. no space between initials). I use in my .bbx file:

    firstinits = true,
    terseinits = false

But the result is Doe, J. D. with spaces between the initials.
I tried adding \renewcommand\bibinitdelim{\nospace} to the .bbx file but that gives an error.

Question: any way to suppress the space between author's name initials (with or without calling terseinits = false)?

Best Answer

\nospace is (at least in the LaTeX core and biblatex) undefined. Use an empty argument in the redefinition of \bibinitdelim instead.





  author = {Doe, John D.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {How to remove the space between initials},






enter image description here

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