[Tex/LaTex] In Beamer, create a square with a number in it (like enumerate)


I have an enumerate environment with square icons, which gives me a colored square with a number inside for each item.

Below this, I have things I would like to visually correspond with these items. So I am looking to just make this same square with a number inside. Any ideas?

Edit: Here is a minimal working example:

\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[square]

  \item Hello there


Best Answer

The code for creating the boxes can be found in beamerbaseauxtemplates.sty. You can wrap it in a new command so you can use it outside enumerations:

\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[square]

    \usebeamerfont*{item projected}%
    \usebeamercolor[bg]{item projected}%
    \vrule width2.25ex height1.85ex depth.4ex%
    \hbox to2.25ex{%

  \item Hello there

Let's talk about item \boxednumber{1}

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