[Tex/LaTex] Improve the TeX-layout + Illegal pream-token


First of all, when I compile my TeX document it says:
"! Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (D): `c' used."

How can that happend?

Second, I am gonna deliver a huge assignment in two weeks, so I would like to know, if any of you have some improvements to optimize the layout (so it looks more nicer). My preamble looks as follows:





\usepackage[round, colon, sort, authoryear]{natbib}
\setcitestyle{notesep={: }}
\def\citeapos#1{\citeauthor{#1}'s (\citeyear{#1})}


\usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows,positioning,calc, matrix} 

\usepackage[colorlinks=false, pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

\newcommand{\sym}[1]{{}^{#1}} % correct?
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{@{}c@{}}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\newcommand\narrowtab[2]{%  %% macro to hide depth of its argument from outer tabular
     #2 \end{tabular}}}}



\sisetup{input-symbols = ()}

I would appreciate all comments.

New table code:
\caption{Regression results}\label{tabel1}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{} p{1.3in} @{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{5}{D{,}{,}{2.4}} @{}}
& \mc{Model I} & \mc{Model II} & \mc{Model III} & \mc{Model IV} \\
\emph{Afh.\ var.}
& \mc{All} & \mc{All} & \mc{Soc.Dem} & \mc{Liberal} \\
\emph{Uafh.\ var.} \\
X & 
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
X & 
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
X & \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$92--93 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$93--94 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$94--95 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$95--96 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
X & \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$92--93 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$93--94 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$94--95 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
X & \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$92--93 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$93--94 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$94--95 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$95--96 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
X & \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$92--93 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$93--94 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$94--95 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
\ \ \ $\Delta$95--96 &
0,11 (0,11) & 0,22 (0,11) & 0,33\sym{***} (0,11) & 0,44 (0,11) \\
Justeret R\textsuperscript{2} & 
0,11 & 0,22 & 0,33 & 0,44  \\
N & \mc{111} & \mc{222} & \mc{333} & \mc{444} \\

Best Answer

It would help more if you made the example a complete document but anyway that D is dcolumn syntax so most likely adding


to the preamble will fix the problem, although that is untested as you have not provided a test file.

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