[Tex/LaTex] Implementing a way to show data structures in LaTeX


Is there a way to implement data structures in LaTeX?

I am currently taking two classes that require large numbers of heaps (min,max) and queues (FIFO,LIFO) and the like to be drawn after inserting elements.

I would like there to be a way for me to implement something that would all me to pass in the number to add the the structure, and then draw it or something?

Currently, I have little programs written in C++ that take in the inputs, and then spit out the correct latex code (using some fairly horrible syntax), which I then copy and paste, but this is annoying (though far better than drawing everything manually).

what I have now:
input: 4 ci5 ci6 ci7 cp cr cp

    5 &6 &7 & \\
    6 &7 & & \\

Is there a way to do this in purely in LaTeX?

Best Answer

This is a job for tikz:

enter image description here




\tikzset{My Style/.style={minimum size=0.5cm, draw=gray, line width=1pt}}{}

    % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12091/tikz-foreach-loop-with-macro-defined-list
    \foreach [count=\xi] \Label in \Sequence {%
        \node [My Style, xshift=\XShift, #1] (\Label) {\Label};

    \DrawNodes[yshift=-1.0cm, fill=gray!15]{6,7,,,}
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