[Tex/LaTex] Images in a presentation


This is my first time being here. The site is such an asset. Asking this only because I couldn't get it done.
Question. I want to insert two (may be three) images with captions for each. I was referring this:
This is my code for that particular frame:


    \subfloat{\includegraphics[width = 2in]{image1.jpg}} &
    \subfloat{\includegraphics[width = 2in]{image2.jpg}} 

I get an error saying: \subfloat outside float. I'm using the online .tex editor Overleaf.

Any help is much appreciated.

Best Answer

In a presentation often have little sense numbered subcaptions and the superfluous "Figure:" statement. As the issue with all of this is solved in another answer, my suggestion is not use at all figure floats, captions or any related package:


The image A
The image B
The image C
The main caption