[Tex/LaTex] image inside a multirow: problems with the vertical space


I have a problem when including an image inside a table using the multirow option. My problem comes from the vertical space dedicated to this row. As you can see in the picture included, the image gets more vertical space than the dedicated to the row.
As you can see the image is not fully included

Here, I put the latex code I have used for generating the above picture:

\begin{tabular}{m{1.5cm}c ccccc}
& & $1024 \times 1024$ & $512 \times 512$ &$256 \times 256$ & $128 \times 128$ & $64  \times 64$ \tabularnewline
\multirow{3}{*}{\includegraphics[height=.15\textwidth{../images/BestViews/PVMTooth/3.PVMTooth.dir/1024x1024-0613}}& Time & 254.2 & 57.63 & 17.61 & 4.77& 2.07  \tabularnewline
& Best Entropy & 3.0 & 3.49 & 4.28 & 5.88 & 8.56 \tabularnewline
& Worst Entropy & 1.23 & 1.52 &1.9&2.6 & 4.67 \tabularnewline
\caption{The best and worst views according to our measure for different image size.}

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Give some vertical space substituting \tabularnewline with \\[1.25ex].



\begin{tabular}{m{1.5cm}c ccccc}
& & $1024 \times 1024$ & $512 \times 512$ &$256 \times 256$ & $128 \times 128$ & $64  \times 64$ \\
& Time & 254.2 & 57.63 & 17.61 & 4.77& 2.07  \\[1.25ex]
& Best Entropy & 3.0 & 3.49 & 4.28 & 5.88 & 8.56 \\[1.25ex]
& Worst Entropy & 1.23 & 1.52 &1.9&2.6 & 4.67 \\[1.25ex]
\caption{The best and worst views according to our measure for different image size.}

enter image description here

Another option is to give all the spacing at the end:


\begin{tabular}{m{1.5cm}c ccccc}
& & $1024 \times 1024$ & $512 \times 512$ &$256 \times 256$ & $128 \times 128$ & $64  \times 64$ \\
& Time & 254.2 & 57.63 & 17.61 & 4.77& 2.07  \\
& Best Entropy & 3.0 & 3.49 & 4.28 & 5.88 & 8.56 \\
& Worst Entropy & 1.23 & 1.52 &1.9&2.6 & 4.67 \\[3.75ex]
\caption{The best and worst views according to our measure for different image size.}

enter image description here

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