[Tex/LaTex] Image and wrapped text over two columns


I'm working on a longer document set for two columns. Each chapter is supposed to start with an image and text wrapping around the text – all of this set in ONE column.
Using \onecolumn \twocolumn generates blank pages that I don't want. Using multicols with a base document set to one column throws other parts of the document off (namely sets of several minipages start flowing over the margins).

The best I could hack together right now is using a page-wide minipage for the chapter start like this:

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twocolumn, openany]{scrbook}

\usepackage[a4paper, top=1.4in, left=1.8in, right=0.8in]{geometry}


\part*{Paragraph Title}

\chapter{Chapter Title}

  \caption{A gull}



Unfortunately, text following the minipage (here section overview) gets set "normally" and ends up running happily into the right column, smack into the text from the minipage.

How would I achieve what I try to do "correctly"?

Best Answer

With the help of the strip environment from the cuted package you can achieve the following:

enter image description here

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twocolumn, openany]{scrbook}

\usepackage[a4paper, top=1.4in, left=1.8in, right=0.8in]{geometry}



\chapter{Chapter Title}

  \caption{A gull}
