IEEEtran – How to Remove Author Picture


I'm using LyX and the article (IEEEtran) template to write a paper for an IEEE conference.

In the biographies section, there's a default space for a picture for the first author. Even if I remove the optional placeholder in the LyX GUI, There's an empty box generated in the PDF where such a picture would go.

I know that I can get around this with LaTeX directly by using \begin{IEEEbiographynophoto} instead of \begin{IEEEbiography}.
However, I do not see a way to get around this without having to export to LaTeX from LyX and then edit the .tex file. Is there a way to get LyX to not require a picture for the first author?

Best Answer

You could make the IEEEbiography react just like the IEEEbiographynophoto environment by placing the following in your LaTeX preamble:


LaTeX Preamble