[Tex/LaTex] IEEE latex template. How to fit a figure with tikzpicture in one coulumn


I'm using IEEE Conference Latex template. I want to have a figure with tikzpicture. My figure is not an image, is a box (rectangle) with some text inside of that. This is my code:

\node [draw,rectangle,align=left,right=2pt] (mid) 
            {\textless bug\textgreater\\
            \textless \texttt{bug\_id}\textgreater 175229\textless \texttt{/bug\_id}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless \texttt{creation\_ts}\textgreater 2007-02-23 03:34:00 \textless\texttt{/creation\_ts}\textgreater\\ 
            \textless \texttt{short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
Should be able to open editor automatically when a task is activated\\ 
            \textless \texttt{/short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless /bug\textgreater\\ 
          .......................................................................... };

\caption{The overall structure of approach}

Problem is that,at the end, the figure crosses the first column and it has an overlap with the second column. How I can fit it to just one column?

Best Answer

You can either scale the node by some factor by adding e.g.


as a parameter to the node or you can break the lines by hand.

Sample output





\title{Sample document}

\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{A. Author}





\node [draw,rectangle,align=left,right=2pt,scale=0.8] (mid) 
            {\textless bug\textgreater\\
            \textless \texttt{bug\_id}\textgreater 175229\textless \texttt{/bug\_id}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless \texttt{creation\_ts}\textgreater 2007-02-23 03:34:00 \textless\texttt{/creation\_ts}\textgreater\\ 
            \textless \texttt{short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
Should be able to open editor automatically when a task is activated\\ 
            \textless \texttt{/short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless /bug\textgreater\\ 
          .......................................................................... };

\caption{The overall structure of approach}

\node [draw,rectangle,align=left,right=2pt] (mid) 
            {\textless bug\textgreater\\
            \textless \texttt{bug\_id}\textgreater 175229\textless \texttt{/bug\_id}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless \texttt{creation\_ts}\textgreater 2007-02-23 03:34:00 \\\textless\texttt{/creation\_ts}\textgreater\\ 
            \textless \texttt{short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
                Should be able to open editor automatically when a task\\
                \hspace*{0.1in}is activated\\ 
            \textless \texttt{/short\_desc}\textgreater\\ 
           \textless /bug\textgreater\\ 
          .......................................................................... };

\caption{The overall structure of approach}


However, a more usual way to display material like this would be to use e.g. the listings package