[Tex/LaTex] Hyperref marks lastpage as a reference


I am using the hyperref package, lastpage package and fancyhdr package. My problem is, that the number showing the amount of total pages (in the footer) is red and works like a link to the front page. I do not want it to be neither red or work as a link, though I want to link to the sections in my table of contents (which works perfectly).
Please help! 🙂

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside]{article}         
        \fancyhead[RO,RE]{Document title}
        \fancyfoot[CO, CE]{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}



\noindent \rule{\linewidth}{3pt}




\section{First section} \label{sec:1}

\section{Second section}

This is a reference to \nameref{sec:1}.


Best Answer

The hyperref package provides the variant commands \ref* and \pageref* in case one needs to avoid the creation of a hyperlink while creating a cross-reference.

Thus, if you write

\fancyfoot[CO, CE]{Page \thepage\ of \pageref*{LastPage}

you'll achieve your objective.