[Tex/LaTex] How use Mathematica fonts with LaTeX – which method


I want to be able to use Mathematica fonts with LaTeX. I find two sets of instructions for this:

  1. Robert's post there

  2. Kuska's instructions in mysymdoc.pdf, a file in the Mathematica 8 folder SystemFiles/IncludeFiles/TeX/texmf/doc.

Method (1) explicitly assumes one is using linux, although robert indicates the method should work for OS X.

Method (2) uses files that are distributed with Mathematica for OS X, but Kuska refers only to MikTeX on Windows and teTeX on Unix.

Which works with TeXLive 2011 under OS X?

Also, method (1) says to edit the two .mapfiles so as to change .pfb to .pfa (presumably because the Wolfram-supplied Type 1 font files have extension .pfa.

Why edit the .map files like that instead of changing the extensions of the font files themselves to .pfb?

Best Answer

The instructions you mention are rather outdated.

  1. Modify wolfram.map to have .pfa instead of .pfb (to reflect the format of the font files) and remove all from Janson Text onwards, as those fonts are not provided.

  2. Copy wolfram.map to

  3. Copy all subfolders from texmf/fonts (afm/wolfram …) to the corresponding folders in /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/fonts.

  4. Copy the directory texmf/tex/latex/wolfram to /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/wolfram

  5. Copy texmf/doc/wolfram to /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/doc/latex/wolfram

  6. Run mktexlsr so that TeX Live will know about these files

  7. Run updmap-sys --enable Map=wolfram.map

  8. Enjoy

All steps from 2 to 7 should be done as Administrator (prefix the commands with sudo, typing the Administrator's password when requested)

Note that the 7z archive linked to in the blog article seems to be corrupt, while the .zip file is good.


From TeX Live 2013 onwards, it's better to add the line

Map wolfram.map

to the file


(also requires Administrator privileges) and subsequently run


without options. This replaces step 7 above.