[Tex/LaTex] How to write two equations as part of one equation



I want that y(t) equation should come on next line but it comes on same line? how to solve this problem?

Best Answer

\documentclass[border=12pt,preview]{standalone} % change it back to your document class

x_{t} &= f_{t}(x_{t-1},u_{t}) & y_{t} &=g_{t}(x_{t},v_{t}) \label{eq:label1}
Please see equation~\ref{eq:label1} on page~\pageref{eq:label1}.

\section*{split with single number}
x_{t} &= f_{t}(x_{t-1},u_{t}) \\
y_{t} &=g_{t}(x_{t},v_{t}) 
Please see equation~\ref{eq:label2} on page~\pageref{eq:label2}.

\section*{aligned with single number}
x_{t} &= f_{t}(x_{t-1},u_{t}) \\
y_{t} &=g_{t}(x_{t},v_{t}) 
Please see equation~\ref{eq:label3} on page~\pageref{eq:label3}.

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