Math Mode Symbols – How to Write the Box Symbol for End of Proof on Overleaf


I am using Overleaf to type up a paper involving proof of different results and I would like to write the box at the end of a proof that means QED ie end of proof. How can I do that? Thanks.

I am using


Best Answer

As @egreg said in the comments, you can use the proof environment from amsthm, which will automatically place a QED symbol at the end of the proof. You can also use the command \qedsymbol, also from amsthm, to place a QED symbol anywhere. Here's an example of both options, with the preamble you provided.



A proof written in the \verb|proof| environment. The QED symbol will appear at the end. 

A \qedsymbol{} outside of a \verb|proof| environment. 


In fact, amsthm uses the command \qedsymbol to place the symbol at the end of the proof environment, so if you want to use something else as a QED symbol (for example a black square), you can simply redefine \qedsymbol, and the proof environment will use it.

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