[Tex/LaTex] How to write Rudin’s symbol for absolute continuity of measures


In Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis, there is a symbol for stating measure $\lambda$ is absolutely continuous with respect to measure $\mu$. The symbol is like $\lambda\ll\mu$, but not exactly.

Best Answer

If one doesn't want to load the whole lot of mathabx, that changes the shape of many symbols, it's possible to load only the one needed, see Importing a single symbol font from a different font.

The definition would be


using the unicode-math name or, if the alternative way by pisymbol is preferred,


The complete series of declarations in the preamble should be

  <-6> matha5 <6-7> matha6 <7-8> matha7
  <8-9> matha8 <9-10> matha9
  <10-12> matha10 <12-> matha12
% \DeclareFontShape{U}{matha}{m}{n}{
%   <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> gen * matha
%   <10.95> matha10 <12> <14.4> <17.28>
%   <20.74> <24.88> matha12
%   }{}


If your TeX distribution is fairly recent you can leave out the commented lines (starting with %); otherwise, uncomment them and delete the similar ones above. It has to do with the presence of the Type1 (scalable) versions of the mathabx fonts.

With the alternative method that doesn't reserve a math alphabet, the code to write in the preamble is

  <-6> matha5 <6-7> matha6 <7-8> matha7
  <8-9> matha8 <9-10> matha9
  <10-12> matha10 <12-> matha12

For the \DeclareFontShape command it's the same as before.