[Tex/LaTex] How to write pseudocode similar to code presented in “Beautiful Code” by J. R. Heard


I came across an astonishing piece of text, which is called "Beautiful Code, Compelling Evidence" by J. R. Heard. I was wondering if there is a package or something that allows me to present my code similar to how J. R. Heard presented his code.

I would like line numbering though, but I figured first I need to find what he used to create a formatting like this. Note: the code is Haskell, but I would like to use it for pseudocode.

PS: it would be ideal if line numbering can be done after the vertical line. But I was also wondering whether it is possible to literally fix the width of the left column.

An example from his amazing work is shown below:
Example from Beautiful Code by J. R. Heard

Thanks for your time and effort to help me!

Best Answer

I didn't use the Haskell highlighting offered by listings, because it highlights too many words (like List, etc.) which are not highlighted in the example.

% Fonts
\setmainfont{Gill Sans Std}
\setmonofont{Lucida Sans Typewriter OT}
% Colors
% Listings

    imports, aliases (1-3) \clearlines{5}
    Split all lines in the file. (6-7) \clearlines{3}
    Insert them into the map (9)
import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BStr
import qualified Data.Map as Map

readDatafile name = do
    sheet <- (map (BStr.split '\t') . BStr.lines) `fmap`
              BStr.readFile name
    return $ foldl’ go Map.empty sheet
  where go m (x:xs) = Map.insert (BStr.unpack x) xs m


enter image description here

Adapting Martin Scharrer's answer to a similar question one can obtain a simpler version:

% Fonts
\setmainfont{Gill Sans Std}
\setmonofont{Lucida Console}
% Colors
% Listings


(*@imports, aliases (1-3)@*)import Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BStr
import qualified Data.Map as Map

readDatafile name = do
(*@Split all lines in the file. (6-7)@*)    sheet <- (map (BStr.split '\t') . BStr.lines) `fmap`
              BStr.readFile name
    return $ foldl’ go Map.empty sheet
(*@Insert them into the map (9)@*)  where go m (x:xs) = Map.insert (BStr.unpack x) xs m

