[Tex/LaTex] how to write maximize over multiple conditions



I know how to write an equation if I am maximizing over one condition. For example,

$\max_{0 \leq x \leq 1} f(x)$

But I an not sure how to write it if I have to maximize the function over two conditions and I would like the second condition to appear below the first condition. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

You can use \substack, provided by the amsmath package:

\usepackage{amsmath}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath
  \max_{0 \leq x \leq 1} f(x)

  \max_{\substack{0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ a \geq y \geq b}} f(x)

Substack as limits

It works similar to an array where multiple lines are separated using \\. Another alternative would be to use the \mathop - it produces the same result as above:

\usepackage{amsmath}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsmath
  \mathop{\max_{0 \leq x \leq 1}}_{a \geq y \geq b} f(x)

\mathop makes it's argument an operator, which allows for the traditional limit placement using _ and/or ^ which adds it below/above the operator.

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