[Tex/LaTex] How to write at the end of line in a blank line of a letter


How can I write at the end of line in LaTeX? Suppose I want to say "thank you" in a letter and then put the name of the author right below it.

Thanks for any insight.

Best Answer



However, this does add some spaces you may not want. Perhaps:

\hbox to\linewidth{\hfil Sincerely,\hfil}

But in LaTeX this sort of thing should be handled by your class or package file; that is, you should be typing something like \valediction{Sincerely} and having LaTeX take care of where to put it.

What class are you using? I'd suggest newlfm for letters; you can get this from your distribution's repos, or directly from CTAN. I'd also suggest reading The Not-So-Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, which you can also find on CTAN. It will give you the fundamentals for answering these questions on your own.

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