[Tex/LaTex] How to write a perfect equation parameters description


Equation's symbols or parameters description are shown below, however, the = and the details of parameter are not aligned.

enter image description here

I want to make a parameters list for a equation like this, in which symbols, = and detail information are aligned in terms of vertical position.

   P   =   notional permeability factor
   N   =   number of waves
   Sd  =   damage level

A tabular environment will produce more spacing before and after text. So how to make the = vertical aligned?

The codes is provided:

\frac{H_s}{\Delta D_{n50} } = 1.0~ P^{0.13}~ \left(\frac{S_d}{N} \right)^{0.2} \xi_m^P~ \sqrt{\cot \alpha}

$H_s$ = significant wave height, equal to the average of the highest 1/3 of the waves

$\Delta$  = relative buoyant density, equal to $\rho_r / \rho_w - 1$, where     $\rho_w$ is the water density

$D_{n50}$ = nominal  diameter defined in Equation (2)

$P$ = notional permeability factor

$S_d$ = damage level 

$N$ = number of waves

$\xi_m$ = breaker parameter based on mean wave period $T_m$

$\alpha$ = slope angle

Best Answer

Define your own environment for this; here I realize it as a two column alignment; the first column is typeset in math mode, the second one in text mode; the = is added automatically, with the correct spacing.


  {\par\vspace{\abovedisplayskip}\noindent\begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} l}}

An equation just to start
 P     &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     &  number of waves \\   
 S_{d} &  damage level


enter image description

If your conditions are overlong, then you can use a different environment, that I call conditions*, based on tabularx:


   \tabularx{\columnwidth}{>{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}}

An equation just to start
 P    &  notional permeability factor and something 
          longer that needs to be taken at the next line\\
N     &  number of waves \\
S_{d} &  damage level


enter image description here

Variant for variable symbols

If different symbols are needed instead of = in each line, here's how.


   \begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$} @{} >{${}}c<{{}$} @{} l}}

   \tabularx{\columnwidth}{>{$}l<{$} @{}>{${}}c<{{}$}@{} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X}}

An equation just to start
 P     & =       &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     & \sim    &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} & \propto & damage level

An equation just to start
 P     & =       & notional permeability factor and something 
                   longer that needs to be taken at the next line\\
 N     & \sim    & number of waves \\
 S_{d} & \propto & damage level


enter image description here

In order to have no break after “where:”, here's a variant of the first solution:


  {#1 \begin{tabular}[t]{>{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} l}}

An equation just to start
 P     &  notional permeability factor \\
 N     &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} &  damage level
Some text after the equation.


The conditions environment has an optional argument for changing the fixed where:; so, for instance, \begin{conditions}[with:] will use “with:”.

enter image description here

A different version that allows for longer descriptions that needs to be wrapped across lines:


     >{$}l<{$} @{${}={}$} X@{}

An equation just to start
 P     &  notional permeability factor with some more text
          so this ends up to break across lines blah blah
          blah blah\\
 N     &  number of waves \\
 S_{d} &  damage level
Some text after the equation.


enter image description here

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