[Tex/LaTex] How to write a formula using box product


Can anybody help in writing the following formula… I am having trouble. LHS I can write, but not the RHS.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can use \DeclareMathOperator* from amsmath to declare an operator accepting "limits" in super/sub script positions:




G_1\Osq G_2\Osq \cdots \Osq G_n = \MyS_{i=1}^{n}G_i.


enter image description here

As egreg comments, perhaps one could use \vcenter instead of an explicit dimension in the definition of \MyS; in this way, the square will be vertically centered with respect to the equal sign:




G_1\Osq G_2\Osq \cdots \Osq G_n = \MyS_{i=1}^{n}G_i.


enter image description here

Notice also the use of \mathbin in the definition of \Osq to have the proper spacing for a binary operator.