[Tex/LaTex] How to write a bibtex style for the university


My university uses Harvard UTS referencing system. I have to write an engineering report and my references are more than 50. I think if I do all 50 references by hands, it takes too much time. So I would like to write a package and a bibtex style to ease the writing of references. Unfortunately I am not much familiar with bibtex. Can someone please help me writing a bibtex style file?

Best Answer

It's always the best using a tool to create the bibliography. The standard mechanism for LaTeX is

  1. Saving the information in a file with the extension bib.
  2. Using BibTeX or biblatex/biber to create the bibliography.

The complete steps and the interaction are well explained in most common introductions.

Using the standard compilation BibTeX you can use a predefined style. A collection of available styles and their results can be found here: BibTeX and bibliography

If you don't find a suitable style and you want to use BibTeX you can create your own style by using custom-bib which is also compatible with natbib.

The second and most recommend method is the usage of biblatex. You can use a style provided by the package itself or you use a contributed style. The question/answer of Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles helps you for the first step.