[Tex/LaTex] How to wrap the title in an a0poster with a page width color box


Current Preamble

I want to wrap the top part of my document with a colored banner, spanning the entire page width and to the very top of the document. Here is my preamble and title section:

documentclass[a0, landscape]{a0poster}

\usepackage{multicol}           % This is so we can have multiple columns of text side-by-side
\columnsep=100pt                % This is the amount of white space between the columns in the poster
\columnseprule=0pt              % This is the thickness of the black line between the columns in the poster


\graphicspath{{path}}   % Location of the graphics files
\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}



% The header is divided into three boxes:
% The first is 55% wide and houses the title, subtitle, names and university/organization
% The second is 25% wide and houses contact information
% The third is 19% wide and houses a logo for your university/organization or a photo of you
% The widths of these boxes can be easily edited to accommodate your content as you see fit 

\veryHuge \color{BrickRed} \textbf{Title of Poster} \color{Black}\\ % Title
\huge \textbf{Authors}\\ % Author(s)
\huge University\\ % University/organization
\color{DarkSlateGray}\Large \textbf{Contact Information:}\\
University \\
Phone: (800)-999-9999\\
Email: email@domain.com\\
    \includegraphics[width=20cm]{"/Users/hgducharme/Documents/School/Projects/Calculus II Honors/Poster Board/figures/logo"} 

\vspace{1cm} % A bit of extra whitespace between the header and poster content


First attempt at solution:

I have tried to use method #2 from this answer regarding the same problem. With all else being same, my code changes to the below block and the result is the image below.

%%% Packages %%%

\newcommand{\postertitle}[2]  % Poster title
\draw [purple,line width=0.2cm,rounded corners=0.2cm,fill=cyan] (-0.5\textwidth,-4)--
\draw (0,1)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{43}   
{0}\selectfont {}{#1}};
\draw (0,-2)node[anchor=center,rotate=0]{\bfseries \sffamily \fontsize{33}
{0}\selectfont {}{#2}};



   Title section


Second Attempt At Solution

I also tried to wrap the section in a color box but that did not work either.

\colorbox{Grey!70}{\parbox{\linewidth - 2\fboxsep}{%
   Title Section


In the second picture, I like where the bottom of the color box ends. However, I would just like for it to expand the page length, and for the top of the color box to extend up to the top of the page. How can I accomplish this?

Thank you in advance to anyone who is willing to help.

Best Answer

By using tikzpicture (remove showframe to see the header like you want ) :

\documentclass[a0, landscape]{a0poster}


\usepackage{multicol}           % This is so we can have multiple columns of text side-by-side
\columnsep=100pt                % This is the amount of white space between the columns in the poster
\columnseprule=0pt              % This is the thickness of the black line between the columns in the poster




\graphicspath{{path}}   % Location of the graphics files
\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}




% The header is divided into three boxes:
% The first is 55% wide and houses the title, subtitle, names and university/organization
% The second is 25% wide and houses contact information
% The third is 19% wide and houses a logo for your university/organization or a photo of you
% The widths of these boxes can be easily edited to accommodate your content as you see fit 

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
  \node[rectangle, fill=cyan, anchor=north west, xshift=1cm, yshift=-1cm] at (current page.north west)
        \veryHuge \color{BrickRed} \textbf{Title of Poster} \color{Black}\\ % Title
        \huge \textbf{Authors}\\ % Author(s)
        \huge University\\ % University/organization
        \color{DarkSlateGray}\Large \textbf{Contact Information:}\\
        University \\
        Phone: (800)-999-9999\\
        Email: email@domain.com\\
          % \includegraphics[width=20cm]{"/Users/hgducharme/Documents/School/Projects/Calculus II Honors/Poster Board/figures/logo"} 
\vspace{1cm} % A bit of extra whitespace between the header and poster content


enter image description here

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