[Tex/LaTex] How to use the ‘qualifiers’ in siunitx


This question is extention of Including 'of' in unit qualifiers with siunitx

I need

10 kg of water/m^3 of air

How to get this…following code does not give this…

\DeclareSIQualifier{\air}{of air}
\DeclareSIQualifier{\water}{of water}
\sisetup{per-mode = symbol,qualifier-mode = space}
10~kg of water/m$^3$ of air\\

Best Answer

'Quantifiers' are essentially tied to a particular unit, for expressing the idea that a unit is related to one part of a system. This is not the way these things are 'officially' supposed to be dealt with, but are common enough to be useful. On the other hand, there is a limit to the amount that can be covered by an automated system. In particular, raising a 'qualified' unit to a power is normally taken as applying the power to the entire thing, for example

is the same as

Dealing with a case where you want to 'qualify' a unit raised to a power is probably beyond the boundaries of what can be squeezed into the standard interface. I would therefore set up a special 'unit' for this

\DeclareSIUnit{\mcubedair}{m^{3}\text{ of air}}
\sisetup{per-mode = symbol}
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