[Tex/LaTex] How to use the PANTONE color (SPOT color) in LaTeX2e version


How to use the PANTONE color (SPOT color) in LaTeX2e? Is there any package available?

Best Answer

As far as I can see, the »xspotcolor« project hasn't been updated since 2013 and I fail to find the package on ctan. However, it consists of a couple of files and adding the code of xspotcolor.sty would not suffice.

But Javier Bezos has written the colorspace package, which also allows using pantone spotcolors. See here: Package colorspace, updated in October 2016! It supports pdftex, but not, as far as I understand the manual, compiling with LaTeX to a DVI.

If you can live with pdfTeX, this seems the way to go.