[Tex/LaTex] How to use the MS Trebuchet font


My thesis may use Times New Roman or MS Trebuchet font. I have written it using Times, but now I'd like a look at how it appears in MS Trebuchet. Currently I just use the times package, which I guess sets the Times New Roman font as active. How can I try MS Trebuchet? I briefly tried xetex, but it had a problem even with the document type: report; I also use graphics etc.

I use both Cygwin and Ubuntu Linux.

Best Answer

Trebuchet is a sans serif font,. I have some doubt that is suitable for the main text. On windows you can use the font together with the winfonts package available on CTAN, it works only with pdflatex (not latex). But it doesn't contain the fonts themselves, so you should at first check if you have trebuc.ttf.

An example document is


abc \textit{abc} \bfseries abc  \textit{abc}
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