[Tex/LaTex] How to use the full page width (\textwidth) while importing a table with \includegraphics


I'm in a 2-column environment. I need to use the entire pagewidth (\textwidth) while importing a table with \includegraphics.

\caption{Beautiful stuff here}

(I have tried tabular* without success.)

Best Answer

The multicols environment doesn't completely support floats; you can

  1. Use the starred version of floats (table* or figure*) but the float will appear on the top of the next page:

    \caption{Beautiful stuff here}
  2. End the multicols, typeset the table inside, for example, a minipage or a center environment (\captionof from the capt-of or caption packages can be used to provide a caption) and then start another multicols:

    \captionof{table}{Beautiful stuff here}

enter image description here


The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.