[Tex/LaTex] How to use the color of an alert block for a ruler

beamerblockcolorpositioningvertical alignment

I have a beamer presentation and an alert block. I want to insert a horizontal ruler to seperate text. To fit into the style of the presentation, it should match the color of the surrounding alert block. How can I use the color of the alert blocks title line? At the moment I am just using a color that matched okay-ish in my opinion.


I am aware of the command \usebeamercolor[fg]{structure} text, but I do not know what to put for fg and structure to give be the desired color (yes, I checked the beamer documentation).

enter image description here

Extra: At the moment, the exact vertical positioning of the \hrulefill is achieved by two (annoyingly fine-tuned) \vspace-commands, one before and one after the ruler. Without these, there are huge gaps between the text and the ruler. Is there a better way to achieve a nice positioning?


The problem with the color seems to be solved by the answer of samcarter. For the positioning problem I was pointed out to provide an MWE:




\begin{frame}{Frenet equations}

\begin{alertblock}{\textbf{Theorem:} Frenet equations}
    For the Frenet frame $(\bf t,\bf n)$ of a curve holds
        \bf t'(t) &= \phantom+\kappa(t)\bf n(t),\\
        \bf n'(t) &= -\kappa(t)\bf t(t).
        \usebeamercolor[bg]{block title alerted}\hrulefill
    The equations can be written in \emph{matrix form}:
        \bf t'\\\bf n'
        \bf t\\\bf n



Best Answer

You can access the colour with \usebeamercolor[bg]{block title alerted}




    \begin{alertblock}{block title}

    {\usebeamercolor[bg]{block title alerted}\rule{\textwidth}{2pt}}



The large vertical spacing mainly comes from the center environment, which is not necessary anyway for an element which spans the whole line.


\usetheme{Malmoe}  %% Themenwahl


\begin{frame}{Frenet equations}

\begin{alertblock}{\textbf{Theorem:} Frenet equations}
    For the Frenet frame $(\bf t,\bf n)$ of a curve holds
        \bf t'(t) &= \phantom+\kappa(t)\bf n(t),\\
        \bf n'(t) &= -\kappa(t)\bf t(t).

    {\usebeamercolor[bg]{block title alerted}\hrulefill}

    The equations can be written in \emph{matrix form}:
    \bf t'\\\bf n'
    \bf t\\\bf n


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