[Tex/LaTex] How to use siunitx with non numerical values


I understand that something like \SI{5}{\meter\per\second} defines a certain space between the number (5) and units (m/s). What should I use if instead of a numerical quantity I want a variable: R m/s? \SI{R}{\meter\per\second} fails because it expect a number in first parameter, and R \si{\meter\per\second} or $R$ \si{\meter\per\second} show different space.

Which is the correct use?

$R$ \si{\meter\per\second}\\
R \si{\meter\per\second}\\

enter image description here

Best Answer

As others have commented, this is partly a style question. In terms of non-numerical input, you've got a couple of choices. You could add R as a 'symbol' to those that siunitx knows, but that will not always print in math mode. So I'd prefer the approach of turning off the number parser:

\SI[parse-numbers = false]{R}{\metre\per\second}

As egreg points out, to get italic output you'll need to set the math-rm option

\SI[number-math-rm = \mathnormal, parse-numbers = false]{R}{\metre\per\second}

Turning off the parser forces math mode, but retains font control and also consistent spacing (so if you alter the setting for number-unit-separator it will be updated).

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